Monday, 31 January 2011

Analysis of the opening of silence of the lambs

During the opening sequence of silence of the lambs we see a young woman running through a dark and misty forest, we do not know if she is being chased or if it is for leisure but this connotes that this film maybe a thriller, we soon find out that she is running an assault course due to the obstacle’s facing her, we soon find out that she is working for the FBI due to a man wearing an FBI hat instructing her to go to see her superior, she jogs away, we can tell she is athletic by the pace she is going this connotes that she maybe strong. She runs into the FBI training facility where we see people who are at the peak of there physical ability, she enters a dark mysterious building, upon entering there are numerous FBI drills taking place whilst she walks through the building. She enters a lift with big burley men, this shows even though she is small she may have physical strength as well as mental strength, she exits the lift as there are FBI officials roaming about working. As this happens there is a close-up of a sign which we don’t know the meaning of yet, She enters one office where there are two men working, she inquires about the office of another man to which she is instructed to go into the office and wait for him. She enters the office door and walks in, the camera pans around showing part of the room. The camera then focuses on her shocked face, the camera then cuts to a wall of files and newspaper cuttings about one particular murder, we then know that she has been assigned to the case.

Preliminary task (shot list)

1. Medium long shot of character A walking up the stairs
2. Match cut, to close up of character A’s foot reaching the top of the stairs.
3. Medium shot of character at the top of the stairs, walking through the corridor.
4. Medium shot from behind Character A now walking towards the door, for where character B is.
5. Close up shot of character A opening the door and walking through the door.
6. Close up of character A’s face, showing the characters smile.
7. Eye line match from character A to a medium shot of Character B sat on a chair.
8. Medium shot as Character A walks towards a chair to sit down next to Character B.
9. Medium two shot of both characters sat down as they start to exchange a couple of lines of dialogue, showing character A on the left side of the shot and character B on the right side of the shot.
10. Over shoulder shot of character A showing character B speaking.
11. Shot reverse shot on both characters as they both speak to each other. As Character B says “Hey, have you done your homework for English?” and then Character A replies saying, “That’s what I needed to do”. Which then Character B says “Well have you got it then?” then character A replies saying, “I’m just going to print it out now. See you later.”

12. Medium shot showing character A getting out of his seat and walking to the door as the camera follows him by panning.
13. Fade to black as he leaves through the door.